Want Your Business to Grow More Powerful?
Looking For Business Growth? Get a Dog or a Cat! Yes, surround yourself with the responsibility of a dog or a cat. We all know that the vagaries of being in business, regardless of the venue can be stressful and in the beginning, it can be a challenge to stay the course. I have always since childhood accepted the responsibility of a pet and found that responsibility to be a benefit in keeping a...
Read More4 Tips to Becoming a Successful Solopreneur
4 Tips for Becoming a Successful Solopreneur Do you ever do anything business-wise from a solo perspective? Yes. And no. Yes, because sometimes you will choose to go into a business solo, meaning you have no company or corporation behind you. If you run a blog you tend to be in this crowd. No, because no venture is ever truly a solo venture, meaning you partially rely on others to make...
Read MoreBlogging vs Social Media
Should a Business Mindset focus more on Blogging Content or Social Media Content? This question has been the topic of webinars, group narratives, forums and social dialog for a few years.
Read MoreIs Self Esteem Important to a Successful Business Mindset?
Self Esteem, if you believe all the media, seems to be lacking in Society today and that may be the reason for aspiring Businesses to be suffering in growth. Personally, I feel it is the emphasis on becoming a societal clone is why Self Esteem may be a diminishing personality trait. “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” –Eleanor Roosevelt What Is...
Read MoreMore on Week #2 of the Journey on Master Key Master Mind Alliance
The excitement is building as I progress in Week #2 of the Master Key Master Mind Alliance journey. At least as fast as this 70+ year subconscious and conscious mind can assimilate ~smile Reviewing Week #2 of the Master Key, by Charles Haanel, reinforced my earlier commitment to the Power From Within that is generated when we learn to TRAIN our Subconscious Mind. The Subconscious...
Read MoreAre you Proactive or Reactive with your approach to Business?
Are You Proactive or Reactive? These words seem to emerge in many conversations about a Business Mindset. Since revisiting some of my old Favorites and being active in the Master Key Master Mind Alliance, I have realized that Proactive trumps Reactive all the time “If you’re Proactive, you don’t have to wait for circumstances or other people to create perspective expanding experiences. You can...
Read MoreWhat does it take to Apply the Business Mindset?
Based on phone calls and conversations, we hear so many express the desire to begin or grow a small business. What we find out is very few Believe in their idea, have Written a concise Plan of Action, and decided absolutely on a Starting Date of the beginning or the changes implemented to grow. In essence, they do NOT possess a Business Mindset Seems that wonderful, workable ideas just lat...
Read MoreLearning About The Law Of Attraction……Worth the Time?
Learning About The Law Of Attraction And Getting an all Important Holistic Guide can have Amazing Benefits for Your Life and Success! Let’s face it. All people are surrounded by a thought atmosphere. . .(some may not realize it!) Through this force we’re either drawing in or forcing back. Like draws in like and we draw in exactly what we have in mind. The Law of Attraction, made...
Read MoreDoes the Devil own Your Destiny?
Would you like to learn “HOW TO” Outwit the Devil? In 1938 Napoleon Hill wrote a book (after Think and Grow Rich) he titled “Outwitting the Devil” This book is a very Hard hitting account of a conversation between Napoleon Hill (Mr. Earthbound) and The Devil (Your Majesty). Hill uncovers the secrets to freedom and success by evaluating the greatest obstacles that...
Read MoreWhat is Active Listening?
Your Business Mindset is easier to enhance if you are able to master Active Listening. But what is Active listening? Is it any different than listening? YES. We can all recall situations where we have utterly failed to listen to what someone else is saying. For various reasons, we are simply not taking in anything useful. How many times have you been introduced to a person by name only to not...
Read MoreMindset and Business…Applying Action!
Mindset and Business. . . Probably the most Misinterpreted Concepts running a business is the development and application of the Business Mindset Let us have a couple of minutes to uncover precisely how important Business Mindset is really, not just to the prosperity of your company, but for your overall success and happiness in existence too. Mindset is usually the mental attitude that...
Read MoreWhy WRITE your Marketing Strategy on Paper?
The question of Writing the Marketing Strategy on paper comes up in many of our initial consults. Even though we have so many devices today to transmit ideas to ourselves and others the Best way to train your subconscious to remember and visualize anything is to write it down of paper. There seems to be a real connect between the Brain and the hand as your pen or pencil flows over the page when...
Read MoreDo you have a Buyer or Seller Mindset?
Over the years of consulting with and just talking to aspiring and experienced business persons I have noticed some definite differences in the mindset of those who are Successful and those who are Struggling. It is my opinion, the difference is the ability to expand the Buyer Mindset to a Seller Mindset. An example of the Seller vs. Buyer Mindset would be when the price of a program, asset or...
Read MoreMindset, Creation, Love..adding Value Part 2
Loving what you are doing allows for creation and establishes a solid business mindset. Too many people, embarking on the road of business creation, focus on How to Make Money. Making money is really the By-product of Adding VALUE in the form of a product or service to people. When you are loving what you are doing, it is easy to ADD Value. What do YOU Love to Do? Do what you love. Know your own...
Read MoreHow the Business Mindset Becomes a Love Affair
Are you in a Loving relationship with YOUR Mindset? DO your daily Tasks create the euphoric feeling of LOVE? If the answer is YES congratulations! Those answering NO need to read and listen below and finely tune your Business Mindset. Ever noticed how many people complain about working in jobs they hate, feeling trapped because they can’t quit as they rely on that sole source of income? Or they...
Read MoreRelaxing your Business Mindset in 6 steps
Are there days when your Business Mindset screams for a Vacation? Is all that focused energy of your Business Mindset overwhelming and you long to be back into the simple Mindset of an employee? You are not alone. We all go through periods like this at some point. The good news is that we can do something about it. Here are some tips to help get your Business Oriented Mindset relaxed feel...
Read MoreDeveloping the Business Mindset…..a video
Are YOU Developing a Business Mindset? Is the Business Mindset only available to those anointed ones, Born to Rule the Financial Seas? It is my strong opinion that we ALL can develop the Mindset of a Business person and apply that talent in any direction we desire. The Entrepreneurial Lifestyle is NOT FOR Everyone, but many of the skills required can be applied to a...
Read MoreHow a Business Mindset Operates
Conversation abounds about the importance of a Business Mindset. What is the Business Mindset? How does a Business Mindset really Operate? For the past 80-90 years the North American citizens were taught to finish school, get a job, work hard, and save for retirement. This conditioning was very beneficial to establish a solid working force to expand the economy and increase a Standard of...
Read More6 tips to developing a positive Business Mindset
In order to survive in any business your mindset is just as important as whether you have the best looking graphics on your website! If you are easily disappointed, if you know that you give up easily, then you really will want to learn how to strengthen your attitude because you are going to need broad shoulders and a “stuff upper lip!” to survive in the world of network marketing....
Read MoreHow Blogging can Enhance Mindset
Blogging and The Business Mindset, a synergy? Developing a Business Mindset is an ongoing process. One way to stay focused on your business direction is to Share the progress, share the development of your Venture. Blogging has become the venue for millions to Share their Beliefs and Energy. Seems like the more you talk about something the more it becomes YOU (holds true to listening, also) the...
Read MoreBest Business Mindset Alliance is Launched
Best Business Mindset Alliance is finally Launched This site is the outcome of the year long Webinar series, Building a Web Based Business from Scratch (new subscribers have instant access to all Past episodes) The crew and subscribers used the fundamental business creation tools and Systems to research a Market, create an appropriate name, secure quality Hosting, Draw up the Business Plan, set...
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