More on Week #2 of the Journey on Master Key Master Mind Alliance

More on Week #2 of the Journey on Master Key Master Mind Alliance

The excitement is building as I progress in Week #2 of the Master Key Master Mind Alliance journey.


At least as fast as this 70+ year subconscious and conscious mind can assimilate ~smile


Reviewing Week #2 of the Master Key, by Charles Haanel, reinforced my earlier commitment to the Power From Within that isSubconscious Mind generated when we learn to TRAIN our Subconscious Mind. The Subconscious is such a dynamic, always available, machine of greatness or emptiness and negativity.

Not only have the daily recitals of Og Mandino’s Scroll One been beneficial, the direction from Mark and his crew regarding the use of Index Cards for focusing thought and creating good habits.



 The Letter of Transmittal for Week 2 of The Master Key has an impact every time I read for the past 5 decades.

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As mentioned previously I have wandered several times from my Definite Major Purpose (Established in 1960) and let a few of my solid Habits get pushed aside by external pressures. Being part of the #MKMMA Master Key Master Mind Alliance has reinforced my original Life commitment and I have been experiencing the thrill of getting back to ME and how I was destined to live.

Do those statements sound Egotistical and Full of Self?

In some ways they should, with the exception of EGO. The writings of Hill, Haanel, Marden and Mandino all point to fact that EGO (as defined by society) is devoid of a person who Knows the Keys to unlocking and mastering the Subconscious Mind.

Being Full of Self is a good. We cannot give to others that which we do NOT possess. The Law if Dual Thought explains that unique life force very well.

From Week #2 The Master Key, by Charles Haanel

…..3. The subconscious soul, like a benevolent stranger, works and makes provision for our benefit, pouring only the mature fruit into our lap; thus ultimate analysis of thought processes shows that the subconscious is the theatre of the most important mental phenomena.

4. It is through the subconscious that Shakespeare must have perceived, without effort, great truths which are hidden from the conscious mind of the student; that Phidias fashioned marble and bronze; that Raphael painted Madonnas and Beethoven composed symphonies.

5. Ease and perfection depend entirely upon the degree in which we cease to depend upon the consciousness; playing the piano, skating, operating the typewriter, the skilled trades, depend for their perfect execution on the process of the sub-conscious mind. The marvel of playing a brilliant piece on the piano, while at the same time conducting a vigorous conversation, shows the greatness of our subconscious powers.


But we must Exercise that talent…….

and this what The Master Key Master Mind has helped so many understand.




Talk Show August 27, 2014

Talk Show August 27, 2014

Our Monday evening Talk Show is Called You Can Build It,
Your Business

Join us Live and share your experience 6:30 Eastern 

1-724-444-7444 Show ID 13372#

Hosted by: Chuck Bartok
Title: EPISODE319 – You Can Build It, Your Business
Time: 08/27/2014 09:30 PM EDT
Episode Notes: What really works for Social Media? Discussion centered around ASKING Questions LISTENING effectively and the right questions to the RIGHT people.
Also, do we spend TOO much time on the “new” Shiny objects presented daily through Social Media and effectively using Social Media to present NEW ideas
We thank Peter Wright, Steve Mistratta, and Adrian Graves for their valuable input.  

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Why WRITE your Marketing Strategy on Paper?

Why WRITE your Marketing Strategy on Paper?

The question of Writing the Marketing Strategy
on paper comes up in many of
our initial consults.

Even though we have so many devices today to transmit ideas to ourselves and others the Best  way to train your subconscious to remember and visualize anything is to write it down of paper. There seems to be a real connect between the Brain and the hand as your pen or pencil flows over the page when your are writing your ideas on paper.

In the past few years we have involved into the Mindset of Digitization and the emphasis has been even in school to use the modern technology.
