The conversation centered around the fact all of us have stories to share but so many are inhibited by constraints imposed by social pressure. When we realize that there are people who can benefit form our story within it becomes a bit easier to spread the word.
The successful sales process is really the result of someone being presented a story and finding acceptance to the presentation. The more “personal” the story is, typically the more it is accepted and the sale is consummated.
Listen to the show (50 minutes) streaming here or download for listening in the future.
We discussed the How To’s of growing huge Organic Reach on Facebook, Guy brought in his expertise on the successful use of Twitter, and Mark introduced a NEW Social Media site he is involved with. Charlene was there with support but was not live on the call.
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One of our pages on Facebook averages 500 shares per post, providing an organic reach of 150-200% of actual fans LIKING the page. The other upside is 1,000-3,000 website visits per post with a .04% bounce rate and an average stay of 14 minutes.
Caller Tonya Heathco join us and discussed her working towards setting up her new Blog/Website.
Intuition (Gut feeling) is discussed as to when to apply massive action and getting the job done. Do you trust your Intuition?
Are you holding back?
Guy Siverson
Remember those who seek perfection usually end up working for those who don’t.
Steve Mistretta shared his redirection and and further discussion, and Guy Siverson focused on Automation and effective SEO
and the negative affect on developing a unreal Social Media Persona
One of the mistakes so many new businesses make is to NOT be familiar or take the time to gain sufficient practical Finance Skills.
Kendall’s book discusses the importance to couples regarding personal finance, but the principles are the same in business or personal life.
In the earlier episodes of You Can Build It Talk show we spent time on the importanmce of reasonable cash flow projections and sticking with a “budget projection”.
Listen to Episode 357
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Our Monday evening Talk Show is Called You Can Build It,
Your Business
Join us Live and share your experience 6:30 Eastern
1-724-444-7444 Show ID 13372#
Hosted by: Chuck Bartok Title: EPISODE319 – You Can Build It, Your Business
Time: 08/27/2014 09:30 PM EDT Episode Notes: What really works for Social Media? Discussion centered around ASKING Questions LISTENING effectively and the right questions to the RIGHT people.
Also, do we spend TOO much time on the “new” Shiny objects presented daily through Social Media and effectively using Social Media to present NEW ideas
We thank Peter Wright, Steve Mistratta, and Adrian Graves for their valuable input.