Before you answer it, I must ask you to not think of your answer, but feel your answer, or envision your answer .
Why do you do the job your doing?
Write down the first thing that comes to mind, then the second and the third and so on until you finish your list.
It should take about 30 to 60 seconds to answer that question.
If it takes longer you are lost in fear of why your being asked that question.
There is no right or wrong answer, BUT it will just give you a sense of who you are and what your doing.
Hopefully we all make it to the point where we are not “LABORING” and EVENTUALLY DO what we want and EARN SUFFICIENT MONEY (more…)
A quick review of James Allen’s Above Life’s Turmoil, 1910.
Most of you are familiar with James Allen through his famous Book, “As a Man Thinketh”.
James Allen was a prolific writer in the early 1900s and wrote in the genre of Wallace Wattles, Charles Haanel, and others involved in the Modern Thought Movement. Although he was a prolific author there is little known or written about James. In some ways, James Allen is a literary mystery man. His inspirational writings have influenced millions for good. Yet today he remains almost unknown…… None of his nineteen books give a clue to his life other than to mention his place of residence – Ilfracombe, England
Allen’s literary career was short, lasting only nine years, until his death in 1912. During that period he wrote nineteen books, a rich outpouring of ideas that have lived on to inspire later generations.
In 1902 Allen began to publish his own spiritual magazine, The Light of Reason, later retitled The Epoch.
His wife renamed the magazine Epoch and continued to publish his magazine after his death.
All that you accomplish or fail to accomplish with your life is the direct result of your thoughts. James Allen
Regardless of his notoriety, I have found his writing beneficial and relevant to the lifestyle I have fashioned from Practicing my Definite Major Purpose for the past 60 years.
The book is available for Free in the download link below.
But before you download and file, listen to the Preface. I am sure it will create a more intense interest to READ the book and assimilate the premise.
If you are still interested in this dynamic content, Download at Button.
After you have read come back and Comment.
Share your feeling on how these words have impacted YOU:
On Sunday, October 5, 2014 I eagerly attended the Week Two Webinar of The Master Key Master Mind Alliance, conducted by Mark Januszewski and his dynamic crew.
“I am here for a purpose and that purpose is to grow into a mountain, not to shrink to a grain of sand. Henceforth will I apply ALL my efforts to become the highest mountain of all and I will strain my potential until it cries for mercy. ” ― Og Mandino, The Greatest Salesman in the World
The first week’s assignment was to read and digest Week One of The Master Key, start reading, daily, Scroll One of theThe Greatest Salesman in the World, and that continuesfor 30 days, and redefine our Definite Major Purposes (DMP) and set up our 3 x 5 card system to help focus on Habit Change and Focus.
Item #1
I was interested in the fact I have probably been using the wrong WORD in defining my DMP. Over the past 50+ years I have used the word Freedom associated with one of my two Definite Major Purposes (DMP), but thanks to Mark Januszewski and his direction, the more appropriate word would be Autonomy.
Is there a difference?
Since our Subconscious Mind does NOT know Good from Bad, Big to Little maybe NOT; but there are subtle differences, according to accepted definitions:
Freedom from external control or influence; independence
Personal (or individual) autonomy should also be distinguished from freedom, although again, there are many renderings of these concepts, and certainly some conceptions of positive freedom will be equivalent to what is often meant by autonomy (Berlin 1969, 131– 34).
Generally, one can distinguish autonomy from freedom in that the latter concerns the ability to act, without external or internal constraints and also (on some conceptions) with sufficient resources and power to make one’s desires effective. Cited from
So I have readjustment my Subconscious and Conscious mind to see
Do you think it is a major difference? Express your thoughts in comments below.
Item #2
The next direction discussed was the impact and importance of staying the course of Og Mandino’s 10 Scrolls, from his 1968 book The Greatest Salesman in the World.
The book directs the reader to read the Scrolls, starting with Scroll One, 3 x’s a day for 30 days. I know that seems a bit sophomoric in this “sophisticated, fast paced” environment…….
The object of that exercise is TO ESTABLISH habit. And they are GOOD Habits. Our Subconscious Mind (“Subby” as named on the Webinar) does not know the difference of Good or Bad nor from where the content or data originates. If we allow or Conscious mind to provide Garbage to our Subby, garbage becomes our thought, and since thoughts are things, and things manifest, we end up being purveyors of Not-So Valuable Content and Influence. (CRAP)
So the repetition of the scrolls has merit as a Proved method of creating new Positive Habits.
Do you agree or disagree?
Would you Read something daily for 30 days and 10 Months
Comment Below
Item #3
“By far the greatest discovery of all the centuries is the power of thought.” – Charles F Haanel –
As the ongoing challenge requires, each week we are directed to read several and apply the Exercises offered in Charles Haanel’s Classic, The Master Key (remember, FREE copies always available here)
Since The Master Key was originally published as a 24-week correspondence course in 1912. It was later published in book form in 1916 by Psychology Publishing, St. Louis and The Master Key Institute, New York, I am used to using the words WEEK when referencing the “Chapters”. Interesting side note that it cost $1.00 per week. The subscriber would complete the exercise and send back with $1.00 for the next “Week’s Chapter”
Week Two focuses on the Subconscious Mind (Subby) and has always been a Favorite of mine for review since first reading in 1960.
Week 2 The Master Key Paragraph 7:
7. The value of the subconscious is enormous; it inspires us; it warns us; it furnishes us with names, facts and scenes from the storehouse of memory. It directs our thoughts, tastes, and accomplishes tasks so intricate that no conscious mind, even if it had the power, has the capacity for.
If you would enjoy listening to Week 2, open player below
I recorded the entire The Master Key several years ago and is Available as Complete Download.
Based on phone calls and conversations, we hear so many express the desire to begin or grow a small business.
What we find out is very few Believe in their idea, have Written a concise Plan of Action, and decided absolutely on a Starting Date of the beginning or the changes implemented to grow.
In essence, they do NOT possess a Business Mindset
Seems that wonderful, workable ideas just lat dormant or suffer short-lived starts.
Have you found that to be true?
What magic wand is waved that allows a few “chosen ones” to apply an action to their Dream and enjoy the benefits of success?
Personally, I do not think it is magic at all. it is nothing more than a person’s Belief in Self and a Burning Desire to accomplish what they have Demanded of themselves. It is not a factor of age, education or capital. However, observation shows most of the “lucky ones” DO invest heavily in their Time and Energy in self-improving. The willingness to “learn” is definitely a strong trait of those enjoying Journeys to Success.
But there is a simple one-two-three easy to apply system.
Define your Goal
Write the plan of action
Apply massive action immediately
Of course, it has always been recommended to have formed a Mastermind Alliance to discuss and share the planning stages and to discuss the progress. We have been conducting two weekly podcasts for the several years.
It was recently on the business development Podcast, You Can Build It that we had the honor of 2 guests, both of whom created and are growing “businesses” THEIR WAY and dong a fine job!
Robert W. Walker is an accomplished and many times traditionally published author of exciting Crime and Mystery novels, many of which are premised on historical facts. Robert shares his experiences with the traditional publishing arena and how frustrating it can be to be the creator of Product and find one’s self at the back of the financial Bus and NOT be in control of the final product.
A few years ago RobertWalkerr decided to re-direct his energy to self Publishing and was aided by the focus of Amazon to the Kindle Reader and the Kindle Book versions. That bold decision was not accepted by many of his peers and the negativity flowed, but Robert realized how much more he will be satisfied being in Control of His own Creations
Our other Guest, Terrific Tonya Heathco is no stranger to adversity. She has a rare form of seizure disorder and suffers occurrences on a daily basis. Tonya “Had a Dream” to create a Public Awareness and understanding about her disorder, which is shared with another 3,000,000 people around the world. She was a frequent participant in our Tuesday Morning self-improvement Talk Show and also the Wednesday evening Business Development show. Tonya realized that SHE owns the power to accomplish her goal of forming a non-profit 501 c-3 Entity and grow an manage that “Business”.
Terrific Tonya Heathco was told by several existing foundations that her idea was not needed and there could be little or no support found…Well, that DID NOT Discourage her, she successfully created and grew her Awareness platforms. Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond her control, it has since been disbanded
Listen to the following Podcast
and understand HOW anyone Can Own a successful Business Mindset
and grow a business
to whatever level
YOU perceive.
Too many people, embarking on the road of
business creation, focus on How to Make Money.
Making money is really the By-product of Adding VALUE in the form of a product or service to people. When you are loving what you are doing, it is easy to ADD Value.