Are you Proactive or Reactive with your approach to Business?

Are you Proactive or Reactive with your approach to Business?

Are You Proactive or Reactive?

These words seem to emerge  in many conversations about a Business Mindset. Since revisiting some of my old Favorites and being active in the Master Key Master Mind Alliance, I have realized that Proactive trumps Reactive all the time

“If you’re Proactive, you don’t have to wait for circumstances or other people to create perspective expanding experiences. You can consciously create your own.” – Stephen Covey

Recently won a Kindle Fire from a contest hosted by my good friend, Robert Dempsey. One of my first Kindle purchases was the acclaimed book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, by Stephen Covey.

It did not take me long into the book to realize Stephen Covey and I share the same thought of living a ProactiveStephen Covey 7 Habits Highly Successful People life, rather than waste time wallowing the mire of Reactive Victimization. Stephen Covey sees Proactive living as the foundation of the other 6 Habits, and therefore goes into great detail in defining PROACTIVE behavior in the 1st chapters.

We both agree that Proactive Behavior is the act of taking charge of our lives is being responsible for it and taking all actions necessary to become the master of our own destiny. We are all born with the opportunity of choice and that becomes a principle underlying a Proactive Mindset since we have the choice on how we respond to what happens to us in our daily lives and it is our reaction to those circumstances that determine how things affect us.

Those who lack the Proactive Habit are seen as being more Reactive, seeing themselves as victims of circumstance, and are usually unable to change their reactions and therefore tend to feel enslaved.

I have observed over the past couple of decades that the word Victim crops up in daily conversation on a regular basis. Those who feel victimized are Reacting to what other people or persons are saying about them instead of focusing on the facts that they command about themselves. This Mindset that causes phrases such as “he makes me so mad” or “she made me feel bad” are examples of a victim mindset language.

This attitude is fostered, in my opinion, through the Education System and in many instances, the Pulpit.
A central government is more likely to grow if the populace can consider themselves in a Reactive, Victim, Mindset.

So what are we doing about it?

Start by:

  • Taking conscious control over your life

  • Setting  SMART goals

  • Working to achieve them

Being ProactiveInstead of reacting to circumstances and waiting for opportunities, get off your duff and create your own events and opportunities.

Being proactive allows YOU to consciously engineer your own events.

Stephen Covey points out that there’s a gap between stimulus and response, and within that gap lies the potential for us to choose our response.


The gap seems to be the spot where we may rely on our intuition?

Do we choose based on the information from others or based on our personal experiences and/or that sixth sense, that seems to be most powerful.

Four special human endowments give us this power:

  1. Self-awareness –  Understanding that we do have a choice between stimulus and response.  If you are offered a dietary temptation, YOU can choose not to eat it.
  2. Conscience – We are all born with the  ability to consult your inner compass to decide what is right for you. You can make decisions based on unchanging principles, regardless of what is socially favored at the moment. OR you can follow the herd into a Reactive direction
  3. Creative Imagination – By using our imagination, we can mentally generate and evaluate different options. Napoleon Hill emphasizes the Power of Imagination in Think and Grow Rich
    Click on Link for Free Audio and Text
  4. Independent Will – We all have the freedom to choose your own unique response. You are not forced to conform to what others expect from you. Learn to Unleash Your True Authentic Self.

IDEAS about S.M.A.R.T Goals


How have you applied those those Four Special Human Endowments?

Let’s comment below


What does it take to Apply the Business Mindset?

What does it take to Apply the Business Mindset?

Based on phone calls and conversations, we hear so many express the desire to begin or grow a small business.

What we find out is very few Believe in their idea, have Written a concise Plan of Action, and decided absolutely on a Starting Date of the beginning or the changes implemented to grow.

In essence, they do NOT possess a Business Mindset

Seems that wonderful, workable ideas just lat dormant or suffer short-lived starts.

Have you found that to be true?Magic Wand

What magic wand is waved that allows a few “chosen ones” to apply an action to their Dream and enjoy the benefits of success?

Personally, I do not think it is magic at all. it is nothing more than a person’s Belief in Self and a Burning Desire to accomplish what they have Demanded of themselves. It is not a factor of age, education or capital.  However, observation shows most of the “lucky ones” DO invest heavily in their Time and Energy in self-improving. The willingness to “learn” is definitely a strong trait of those enjoying Journeys to Success.

But there is a simple one-two-three easy to apply system.

  • Define your Goal
  • Write the plan of action
  • Apply massive action immediately


Of course, it has always been recommended to have formed a Mastermind Alliance to discuss and share the planning stages and to discuss the progress. We have been conducting two weekly podcasts for the several years.

It was recently on the business development Podcast, You Can Build It that we had the honor of 2 guests, both of whom created and are growing “businesses” THEIR WAY and dong a fine job!

Robert W Walker, author, mystery writerRobert W. Walker is an accomplished and many times traditionally published author of exciting  Crime and Mystery novels, many of which are premised on historical facts. Robert shares his experiences with the traditional publishing arena and how frustrating it can be to be the creator of Product and find one’s self at the back of the financial Bus and NOT be in control of the final product.

A few years ago RobertWalkerr decided to re-direct his energy to self Publishing and was aided by the focus of Amazon to the Kindle Reader and the Kindle Book versions. That bold decision was not accepted by many of his peers and the negativity flowed, but Robert realized how much more he will be satisfied being in Control of His own Creations

Our other Guest, Terrific Tonya Heathco is no stranger to adversity. She has a rare form of seizure disorder and suffers occurrences national Seizure Disorder Foundationon a daily basis. Tonya “Had a Dream” to create a Public Awareness and understanding about her disorder, which is shared with another 3,000,000 people around the world. She was a frequent participant in our Tuesday Morning self-improvement Talk Show and also the Wednesday evening Business Development show. Tonya realized that SHE owns the power to accomplish her goal of forming a non-profit 501 c-3 Entity and grow an manage that “Business”.

Terrific Tonya Heathco was told by several existing foundations that her idea was not needed and there could be little or no support found…Well, that DID NOT Discourage her, she successfully created and grew her Awareness platforms. Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond her control, it has since been disbanded

Listen to the following Podcast
and understand HOW anyone Can Own a successful Business Mindset
and grow a business
to whatever level
YOU perceive.

What does it take to Apply the Business Mindset?

What does it take to Apply the Business Mindset?

Based on phone calls and conversations, we hear so many express the desire to begin or grow a small business.

What we find out is very few Believe in their idea, have Written a concise Plan of Action, and decided absolutely on a Starting Date of the beginning or the changes implemented to grow.

In essence, they do NOT possess a Business Mindset

Seems that wonderful, workable ideas just lat dormant or suffer short-lived starts.

Have you found that to be true?Magic Wand

What magic wand is waved that allows a few “chosen ones” to apply an action to their Dream and enjoy the benefits of success?

Personally, I do not think it is magic at all. it is nothing more than a person’s Belief in Self and a Burning Desire to accomplish what they have Demanded of themselves. It is not a factor of age, education or capital.  However, observation shows most of the “lucky ones” DO invest heavily in their Time and Energy in self-improving. The willingness to “learn” is definitely a strong trait of those enjoying Journeys to Success.

But there is a simple one-two-three easy to apply system.

  • Define your Goal
  • Write the plan of action
  • Apply massive action immediately


Of course, it has always been recommended to have formed a Mastermind Alliance to discuss and share the planning stages and to discuss the progress. We have been conducting two weekly podcasts for the several years.

It was recently on the business development Podcast, You Can Build It that we had the honor of 2 guests, both of whom created and are growing “businesses” THEIR WAY and dong a fine job!

Robert W Walker, author, mystery writerRobert W. Walker is an accomplished and many times traditionally published author of exciting  Crime and Mystery novels, many of which are premised on historical facts. Robert shares his experiences with the traditional publishing arena and how frustrating it can be to be the creator of Product and find one’s self at the back of the financial Bus and NOT be in control of the final product.

A few years ago RobertWalkerr decided to re-direct his energy to self Publishing and was aided by the focus of Amazon to the Kindle Reader and the Kindle Book versions. That bold decision was not accepted by many of his peers and the negativity flowed, but Robert realized how much more he will be satisfied being in Control of His own Creations

Our other Guest, Terrific Tonya Heathco is no stranger to adversity. She has a rare form of seizure disorder and suffers occurrences national Seizure Disorder Foundationon a daily basis. Tonya “Had a Dream” to create a Public Awareness and understanding about her disorder, which is shared with another 3,000,000 people around the world. She was a frequent participant in our Tuesday Morning self-improvement Talk Show and also the Wednesday evening Business Development show. Tonya realized that SHE owns the power to accomplish her goal of forming a non-profit 501 c-3 Entity and grow an manage that “Business”.

Terrific Tonya Heathco was told by several existing foundations that her idea was not needed and there could be little or no support found…Well, that DID NOT Discourage her, she successfully created and grew her Awareness platforms. Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond her control, it has since been disbanded

Listen to the following Podcast
and understand HOW anyone Can Own a successful Business Mindset
and grow a business
to whatever level
YOU perceive.

Learning About The Law Of Attraction……Worth the Time?

Learning About The Law Of Attraction……Worth the Time?

Learning About The Law Of Attraction And Getting an all Important Holistic Guide can have Amazing Benefits for Your Life and Success!

Let’s face it. All people are surrounded by a thought atmosphere. . .(some may not realize it!)

Through this force we’re either drawing in or forcing back. Like draws in like and we draw in exactly what we have in mind.

The Law of Attraction, made popular by the early 20th century entrepreneur and author, Charles Haanel, is the principle by which you draw into your life that which is in vibrational alignment with your awareness; your thoughts, feelings, opinions and attitudes, whether you’re mindful of them or not. It’s also the most popular personal development topic in personal development.


Learning About The Law Of Attraction……Worth the Time?

Learning About The Law Of Attraction……Worth the Time?

Learning About The Law Of Attraction And Getting an all Important Holistic Guide can have Amazing Benefits for Your Life and Success!

Let’s face it. All people are surrounded by a thought atmosphere. . .(some may not realize it!)

Through this force we’re either drawing in or forcing back. Like draws in like and we draw in exactly what we have in mind.

The Law of Attraction, made popular by the early 20th century entrepreneur and author, Charles Haanel, is the principle by which you draw into your life that which is in vibrational alignment with your awareness; your thoughts, feelings, opinions and attitudes, whether you’re mindful of them or not. It’s also the most popular personal development topic in personal development.
