Talk Show August 27, 2014

Talk Show August 27, 2014

Our Monday evening Talk Show is Called You Can Build It,
Your Business

Join us Live and share your experience 6:30 Eastern 

1-724-444-7444 Show ID 13372#

Hosted by: Chuck Bartok
Title: EPISODE319 – You Can Build It, Your Business
Time: 08/27/2014 09:30 PM EDT
Episode Notes: What really works for Social Media? Discussion centered around ASKING Questions LISTENING effectively and the right questions to the RIGHT people.
Also, do we spend TOO much time on the “new” Shiny objects presented daily through Social Media and effectively using Social Media to present NEW ideas
We thank Peter Wright, Steve Mistratta, and Adrian Graves for their valuable input.  

Click on the Arrow to Listen

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Talk Show August 27, 2014

Talk Show August 27, 2014

Our Monday evening Talk Show is Called You Can Build It,
Your Business

Join us Live and share your experience 6:30 Eastern 

1-724-444-7444 Show ID 13372#

Hosted by: Chuck Bartok
Title: EPISODE319 – You Can Build It, Your Business
Time: 08/27/2014 09:30 PM EDT
Episode Notes: What really works for Social Media? Discussion centered around ASKING Questions LISTENING effectively and the right questions to the RIGHT people.
Also, do we spend TOO much time on the “new” Shiny objects presented daily through Social Media and effectively using Social Media to present NEW ideas
We thank Peter Wright, Steve Mistratta, and Adrian Graves for their valuable input.  

Click on the Arrow to Listen

Or Download mP3 for later listening

The Nomad Movement..A new paradigm?

The Nomad Movement..A new paradigm?

I was fortunate to come across an awesome post today about the “Nomad Movement” written by a a fellow Google+ denizen, Clay Forsberg

The Business Mindset of so many is steeped in the Industrial Age thought process where People are Expenses and Equipment are assets.


The Nomad Movement is offering to many an opportunity to focus on the benfit to people and allows the possible reduction of THINGS.

Clay Forsberg Clay Forsberg says it better than I ever could.


Visit his post, read carefully and come back to discuss

I also believe Business formats will continue to  evolve regardless the naysayers.
Clay Forsberg presents the reality so often missed  by talking heads and sound bytes.

The disturbing part was a quote Clay used from a writer, in Los Angeles, who seemed to be concerned that the Nomad Movement  “will cause upheaval that government (local, state and federal) won’t be able to keep up with. That seems to scare him for the future of his children.”

Those of us with reasonable Business Mindsets believe the problem is the Government intrusion n the day to day development and growth of Business

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The Nomad Movement..A new paradigm?

The Nomad Movement..A new paradigm?

I was fortunate to come across an awesome post today about the “Nomad Movement” written by a a fellow Google+ denizen, Clay Forsberg

The Business Mindset of so many is steeped in the Industrial Age thought process where People are Expenses and Equipment are assets.


The Nomad Movement is offering to many an opportunity to focus on the benfit to people and allows the possible reduction of THINGS.

Clay Forsberg Clay Forsberg says it better than I ever could.


Visit his post, read carefully and come back to discuss

I also believe Business formats will continue to  evolve regardless the naysayers.
Clay Forsberg presents the reality so often missed  by talking heads and sound bytes.

The disturbing part was a quote Clay used from a writer, in Los Angeles, who seemed to be concerned that the Nomad Movement  “will cause upheaval that government (local, state and federal) won’t be able to keep up with. That seems to scare him for the future of his children.”

Those of us with reasonable Business Mindsets believe the problem is the Government intrusion n the day to day development and growth of Business

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Why WRITE your Marketing Strategy on Paper?

Why WRITE your Marketing Strategy on Paper?

The question of Writing the Marketing Strategy
on paper comes up in many of
our initial consults.

Even though we have so many devices today to transmit ideas to ourselves and others the Best  way to train your subconscious to remember and visualize anything is to write it down of paper. There seems to be a real connect between the Brain and the hand as your pen or pencil flows over the page when your are writing your ideas on paper.

In the past few years we have involved into the Mindset of Digitization and the emphasis has been even in school to use the modern technology.
