Talk Show, May 24, 2017
After missing a couple weeks, You Can Build It Talk Show was live again Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Fantastic input from Guy Siverson, Mark Hultgren, Phil Sanko and Charlene Burke on our most recent Talk Show, Episode 364.
We discussed the How To’s of growing huge Organic Reach on Facebook, Guy brought in his expertise on the successful use of Twitter, and Mark introduced a NEW Social Media site he is involved with. Charlene was there with support but was not live on the call.
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One of our pages on Facebook averages 500 shares per post, providing an organic reach of 150-200% of actual fans LIKING the page. The other upside is 1,000-3,000 website visits per post with a .04% bounce rate and an average stay of 14 minutes.
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50+ year veteran Entrepreneur. My lifestyle was set in 1960 after reading what I call the Self-Improvement Trilogy. The three books are Think and Grow Rich, The Master Key and the Miracle of Right Thought. Free copies are available throughout this site.
My definite Major Purpose in Living a Life Full of Freedom and Helping Others
Talk Show, May 24, 2017
After missing a couple weeks, You Can Build It Talk Show was live again Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Fantastic input from Guy Siverson, Mark Hultgren, Phil Sanko and Charlene Burke on our most recent Talk Show, Episode 364.
We discussed the How To’s of growing huge Organic Reach on Facebook, Guy brought in his expertise on the successful use of Twitter, and Mark introduced a NEW Social Media site he is involved with. Charlene was there with support but was not live on the call.
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One of our pages on Facebook averages 500 shares per post, providing an organic reach of 150-200% of actual fans LIKING the page. The other upside is 1,000-3,000 website visits per post with a .04% bounce rate and an average stay of 14 minutes.
Have any questions?
Drop me an Email
50+ year veteran Entrepreneur. My lifestyle was set in 1960 after reading what I call the Self-Improvement Trilogy. The three books are Think and Grow Rich, The Master Key and the Miracle of Right Thought. Free copies are available throughout this site.
My definite Major Purpose in Living a Life Full of Freedom and Helping Others